Mar 12 |
Project guidelines, slide |
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The transmission of knowledge The training workshops have always been the basic tool of our planning logic. They are fundamental in supporting the growth of the new generations of artists and in enabling the dialogue between the...
Mar 12 |
Project guidelines |
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Many have, in the past years, referred to the project of the Arboreto – Teatro Dimora as “good practice”, as an important and necessary experience for the development of the performing arts culture in Italy. Nevertheless,...
Mar 12 |
Project guidelines |
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The dimension of time has always played a key role in planning our research, training and creation pathways. It is the original thought that slipped in among us, so that we could look for and find each other. It is the endearing...
Sep 10 |
slide, L'arboreto Edizioni |
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L’arboreto Edizioni è un giovane logo editoriale. Un altro piccolo e temerario germoglio maturato assieme al progetto de L’arboreto che si è concretizzato nel 2005 con una prima pubblicazione, una favola. La sfida è...
Jun 27 |
Informazioni sulla trasparenza |
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(in ottemperanza all’art.9, comma 2 e 3 D.L. n°91 dell’8 agosto 2013, convertito con legge n°112 del 7 ottobre 2013) CONSIGLIO DIRETTIVO 2023 INCARICHI DIRIGENZIALI 2023 RIMBORSI SPESE 6 persone Massimo € 613,17...